Wednesday 18th of May 2022
9:30 Coffee & Registration
10:00 Quentin Letesson (UCLouvain) & Lionel Simon (UCLouvain) - Introduction - Wading through a Flood of Information
10:20 Christopher Witmore (Texas Tech University) - The Anthropocene is not deep; it is shallow!
10:50 Laurent Olivier (Musée d’archéologie nationale de Saint-Germain-en-Laye) - Archaeology in the Anthropocenic Age. The Discipline of Things that Create Memory
11:20 Discussion
11:50 Lunch
13:30 Ludovic Coupaye (University College London) - Agency as Reticulations: Yams and Printers as Autonomous Objects, and their Functioning as Modes of Existence
14:00 Séverine Lagneaux (UCLouvain) & Romane Vanhakendover (Centre wallon de Recherches agronomiques) - Coding and Deciphering Grass. Pasture Management and Policies in Wallonia and Bucovina
14:30 Discussion
15:00 Coffee
15:20 Christopher Watts (University of Waterloo) - Odd Deposits and Ancestral Wendat Assemblage Logics
15:50 Marie-Charlotte Franco (Université du Québec à Montréal) - Tracing Nineteenth-century North American Intellectual Networks through Native Objects
16:20 Discussion
16:50 General discussion & closing remarks
17:30 Self-guided tour of the Musée L
Thursday 19th of May 2022
9:30 Coffee & Registration
10:00 Laura Rival (University of Oxford) - Ecofeminisms in the Making: What Implications for Anthropological and Archaeological Research
10:40 Carl Knappett (University of Toronto) - Being Urban: Entangled or Imaginary?
11:20 Discussion
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Andrew Shapland (Ashmolean Museum) - Tentacular Thinking in Bronze Age Crete
14:10 Thibaut Fontanari (UCLouvain) - The Social Life of Roads: Connectivity and Material Connections in the Karakoram, Pakistan
14:50 Discussion
15:30 Coffee
16:00 Martin Holbraad (University College London) - Afterword [remote intervention]
16:45 Closing remarks